Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Disturbing proof of U.S. voter fraud now documented - WND

Disturbing proof of U.S. voter fraud now documented - WND:

Image result for flickr commons images voting boothThe 2020 elections are coming up fast – more than a dozen Democrats including some third-tier names – already are seeking that party’s nomination for president.
And that’s why the issue of illegal aliens and immigration is a to-the-death fight in Washington now.
After all, immigrants and illegals who actually are signed up to vote, even if outside the law, are perceived generally as supporting Democrats, so that party hates the idea of any Voter ID or voter authentication plan.
As Nancy Pelosi suggested just days ago, all the “newcomers,” especially those coming through the “southern border,” should be voting.
The GOP, on the other hand, advocates for citizens voting, and as President Trump has planned, wants to secure the southern border so that illegal immigration, and voter fraud, is reduced.
That’s not a problem, contend Democrats. They say there simply isn’t any.
Don’t you believe it.

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