Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Don Surber: Raped on the way to the USA

Don Surber: Raped on the way to the USA
"President Donald John Trump drew the wrath of a JOURNALIST on Saturday for saying rape is common for women as they make their way to America,

TRUMP: "1 in 3 women is sexually assaulted in the dangerous journey north. When I ran for president, my first speech, I mentioned the word 'rape'... if you look at that speech, that was so innocent compared to what's actually happening."

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TRUMP: "Mothers who love their daughters give them massive amounts of birth control pills, because they know their daughters are going to be raped on the way up to our southern border. Think of that. True story told to me by the Border Patrol. Think of how evil that is." pic.twitter.com/wVrBHpEbWc

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Aaron Rupar should have done some reading on Sunday.
I did.
I read the New York Times story that day, "'You Have to Pay With Your Body’: The Hidden Nightmare of Sexual Violence on the Border."...
Read all.

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