Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Economics of Green New Deal: More Red Than Green | Competitive Enterprise Institute

See the source imageEconomics of Green New Deal: More Red Than Green | Competitive Enterprise Institute
"My colleagues have written elsewhere about the energy and environmental components of the “Green New Deal” proposals that have been enthusiastically agreed to by most declared Democratic candidates for the presidency and which are about to be debated in the Senate. 
In this post I will take a brief look at the “social justice” components of the proposed Deal, which cover issues such as monetary theory and labor and employment policy.
What we will see is that they are just as radical as the proposals to decarbonize the economy in ten years. 
...Here are the “social justice” aspects of the Deal, as described in the now-withdrawn FAQ that was issued with the initial draft Senate resolution.
Long, long list.
Read 'em all!

  • Ensure that all GND jobs are union jobs that pay prevailing wages and hire local...
  • Guarantee a job with family-sustaining wages...
...The architects of the Green New Deal often refer to themselves as European-style social democrats or at most, Democratic Socialists. 
...there is an appropriate word for the political system they seek to institute—it is communism.
We know from history that the appropriate color to describe communism is not green, but a deep, bloody red."
Read on!

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