Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Global Warming A "Hoax And Scam" Pushed By Greedy Government Scientists: Greenpeace Co-Founder | Zero Hedge

Global Warming A "Hoax And Scam" Pushed By Greedy Government Scientists: Greenpeace Co-Founder | Zero Hedge
"The co-founder and former president of Greenpeace, Patrick Moore, says that climate change is a "complete hoax and scam," which has been "taking over science with superstition and a kind of toxic combination of religion and political ideology." 
Moore, who recently made headlines for calling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a "pompous little twit" and "garden-variety hypocrite" on climate change, sat down with SiriusXM's Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.
The Greenpeace co-founder's message echoes that of John Coleman, the late Weather Channel founder who called global warming "the greatest scam in history.
Moore told Breitbart how fear and guilt are driving the climate change argument, reports Breitbart News
Fear has been used all through history to gain control of people’s minds and wallets and all else, and the climate catastrophe is strictly a fear campaign — well, fear and guilt — you’re afraid you’re killing your children because you’re driving them in your SUV and emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and you feel guilty for doing that. There’s no stronger motivation than those two..."
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