Friday, March 15, 2019

Good for them!-----Dutch Orchestra Walks Out

مسلم يدعو الملکه إلى اعتناق الإسلام... -
Dutch Orchestra Walks Out                  
"There may be hope left for Christianity? 
When the most
liberal country in Europe pulls the plug on Islam, the world is beginning to
see the light.

Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands attended a concert in the capital, Amsterdam .  

The Guest Conductor, who just happens to be Muslim, proceeded to give the Queen a lecture
on the "beauty" of Islam.

The entire orchestra got up and walked out, refusing to be associated with someone lecturing their Queen. 
The staff of the music hall escorted the conductor off-stage, and after questioning, out of the building.

Now that took courage.  

Good for the people of Holland .
Watch the walk out at the link below.  

Bet you didn't see this on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN or MSNBC.Would be nice if this got on Facebook and went  viral....."

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