"Yes, there are actually parents who are dumbfounded and confused when their five-year-old children don’t take to wearing fake penises, or tucking their real ones.
A watchdog group called 4thWaveNow is raising awareness online about “the ever-accelerating medical and media fascination with the phenomenon of ‘transgender children.'”
This week, the group released screenshots from a private Facebook group called Parents of Transgender Children, which expose multiple conversations surrounding the practices of “packing“ and “tucking“ for supposedly transgender children as young as five years old.
This week, the group released screenshots from a private Facebook group called Parents of Transgender Children, which expose multiple conversations surrounding the practices of “packing“ and “tucking“ for supposedly transgender children as young as five years old.
Some conversations involve parents expressing confusion at their child’s lack of interest in prosthetic penises.
“My kid doesn’t seem that miffed about not having a penis, which frankly throws me off a bit,” one reads.
...Parents who believe their children to be a male-to-female transgender have the opposite problem, sharing tips and recommendations of products meant to help male children “tuck” to appear or feel more female.
...Parents of Transgender Children has more than 8,000 members, and is just one of many closed facebook groups geared toward “gender affirming” parents, most of which claim to extensively screen individuals who wish to join in order to ensure they are friendly to the cause..."
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