Monday, March 11, 2019

Judicial Watch Exposes Deep State Anti-Trump Collusion - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch Exposes Deep State Anti-Trump Collusion - Judicial Watch:

Image result for Bruce Ohr Department of JusticeBig news. We just uncovered 339 pages of heavily redacted records from the Justice Department which reveal that former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr remained in regular contact with former British spy and Fusion GPS contractor Christopher Steele after Steele was terminated by the FBI in November 2016 for revealing to the media his position as an FBI confidential informant.
The records show that Ohr served as a go-between for Steele by passing along information to “his colleagues” on matters relating to Steele’s activities. Ohr also set up meetings with Steele, regularly talked to him on the telephone and provided him assistance in dealing with situations Steele was confronting with the media.
“Get Trump” Dossier author Steele worked for the Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS, the Hillary Clinton campaign/DNC contractor that also employed Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr’s wife.

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