“People didn’t use to use the word embarrassing about Seattle, but they use it a lot now,” the narrator to a new KOMO News special titled “Seattle is Dying” says.
The focus of the special is homelessness and the ways in which it has changed the city.
There’s a section featuring angry residents of one area of the city who are screaming at their representatives for action.
They want the tent cities managed and they’re tired of calling the police only to find out the police can arrest people but those same people will be back on the street, sometimes within hours..."
Read all.
I was raised in Seattle, and now am a senior citizen. I do not live in Seattle any more, and watching this program made me so sad, upset, angry, and devastated. It is extremely difficult to think that the City Council and Mayor are so blind,ignorant and lazy that they haven't come up with any answers to the drug problems in our beautiful city. They need to open their eyes and hearts and look around to figure out answers to those problems.
The KOMO program, "Seattle Is Dying" is such a huge eyeopener, that surely our elected officials will wake up. If KOMO can look around and see what these problems are, and also look at solutions that seem to be working in other places, such as Rhode Island, then why can't our elected officials. They are tying the hands of our police. We will be losing more of our police if something isn't done. It is obvious that regular citizens are completely fed up.
KOMO, keep up the great work. What a wonderful job you are doing. I am very proud of your reporting. Thank you.
Wake up City Council and Mayor. I am ashamed of all of you. Get busy and do your jobs.
Thanks for the comment. We used to visit Seattle often. Dad lived in PA. The urine stink in waterfront parks began years ago and the increase in aggressive panhandlers was frightening. Amazing that lib KOMO seems to be leading the charge.
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