Saturday, March 09, 2019

Nationwide blackout in socialist Venezuela is more than just turning the country into North Korea...

Nationwide blackout in socialist Venezuela is more than just turning the country into North Korea...
"Venezuela's ruling Cuban and Chavista socialists put on quite a show last night.  
So much for Vladimir Lenin's famous dictum
"Communism is Soviet government plus the electrification of the whole country."
The "plus," they decided, was dispensible.
Here is what Caracas looked like last night:

Brutal imagen de Caracas a oscuras. Venezuela
...Here's what the intensive care unit of a local hospital maternity ward looked like:

Mothers and relatives wait outside of an intense care room for babies at a clinic without electricity tonight in (photo by @CubillosAriana):
"And the disaster was not confined just to Caracas, but to dozens of cities nationwide. 
If your heart doesn't break for those women in that maternity ward, you can't be human..."
Read all.

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