Monday, March 18, 2019

NEWSWORTHY: Media Silence Surrounds Muslim Massacre of Christians

Instapundit  Blog Archive  
Christians massacred Nigeria"NEWSWORTHY: The ghastly massacre in Christchurch this week is certainly newsworthy and richly deserving of the universal condemnation it is getting. 
But let’s also spare a thought for the massacre of over a hundred Christians at the hands of Muslim militants in Nigeria these past few weeks. 
So far it has been ignored in the MSM.
P.S.: It’s more evidence for my study (with Hal Pashler) showing that one’s political views tend to bias one’s judgment about what is newsworthy. 
Yes, I know that should be obvious, but you might be surprised at the extent to which journalists argue that their own views do not bias their reporting.---Posted by Gail Heriot

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