Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Not new (May 17, 2017) but even WORSE today-----Public Pensions - A Crisis In Waiting | Seeking Alpha

Public Pensions - A Crisis In Waiting | Seeking Alpha
  • For years, public labor union leaders lobbied for and sycophant politicians granted ever richer public pension programs.
  • Unfortunately, many of those pension programs have gone many years without adequate funding.
  • Today, many large public pensions are seriously underfunded and, without major changes, will not pay out future promised benefits.
  • There are only three possible options to address the underfunding, none of which are palatable.
  • If you rely on a public pension for the majority of your retirement expenses, you might do well to develop a plan B.
What's Wrong With Public Pension Programs?
There are a number of problems with public pensions. 

  • The tactic of "spiking" pension benefits by racking up significant overtime pay in the last couple of years of employment causes many individual pensions to balloon to very lofty levels. 
  • Generous retirement terms that allow workers to retire as early as 50 years old puts additional drain on pension assets. 
  • Generous pension formulas based on age and the last 3-5 years of earnings which are usually the highest career earnings inflate the pension liabilities. All of these issues serve to put additional strain on public pension funds. 
  • But the single largest problem that public pension funds face has been and continues to be years of underfunding by local, county, and state governments. 
  • And to obfuscate the extent of underfunding, public pensions continue to use unrealistic expected market based returns to claim that plans are sufficiently or near sufficiently funded..."
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