Monday, March 11, 2019

Recycling: Wasteful, Expensive, Pointless | National Review

Recycling: Wasteful, Expensive, Pointless | National Review

  • It’s very expensive and has little or no environmental benefit.

"...It may make sense to recycle a few items for the savings in carbon emissions — paper, cardboard, and metals such as aluminum from cans. 
Recycling a ton of these items saves about three tons of carbon dioxide. 
Glass, plastic, rubber, all the other stuff? 
Not really. 
We used to send our plastic empties to China, but China has lost interest, as The Atlantic’s Alana Semuels reports in “Is This the End of Recycling?” 
See the source imageThe subhead reads, “Now that other countries won’t take our papers and plastics, they’re ending up in the trash.” 
Some municipalities are directing those recycling trucks to the nearest incinerator. 
A transfer station in New Hampshire reports that sending rubbish to a landfill costs $68 a ton. 
Recycling it? 
That costs $125 a ton. 
Wasn’t recycling supposed to save us money, not cost twice as much?..."
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