Monday, March 11, 2019

The book is 60 pages in total and the global warming context occupies 16 pages of that total . This is equivalent to 26.7% of Carbon dioxide preaching...

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming
Mohamad Alkhateeb

"Hi everyone
This is my first post here and i realize most of us will.

Not be able to read Arabic . 
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Attached photos are simple count of the pages teaching and preaching of global warming lessons in the environmental education textbook of my 10th grade daughter , note we come from Jordan the Middle East country by Israel and Syria .
The book is 60 pages in total and the global warming context occupies 16 pages of that total .
This is equivalent to 26.7% of Carbon dioxide preaching and saturation on earths climate warming that sweeps over the book in a phenomenal explanation.!
My younger daughters also get greater doses, do you get the same in your places ?
Does it click any buttons to anyone why we struggle to put evidence in construct that CO2 is not responsible for global warming ?
We are brain washed with CO2.
Note :-Jordan Gov't received 8 billion USD aid to help adapting to global and climatic change (namely warming) in the past 10 years, this is true!

From comments:

  • John Thwaite** So apparently if you’re prepared to brain-wash your kids with this BS masquerading as science, the UN will throw money at you. Sounds legit.
  • Mohamad Alkhateeb** John Thwaite, also we got drowned In sudden flash floods last month, powerful infrastructure ! I wonder where the hell did they spend the 8 billions !
  • John Thwaite** Mohamad Alkhateeb, They need shiny new jet aircraft so they can appear to be “progressive” when attending the next IPCC event.

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