Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The truth about socialism: It doesn't care about the middle class. It's about keeping the ruling class' power | Fox News

The truth about socialism: It doesn't care about the middle class. It's about keeping the ruling class' power | Fox News:

Image result for flickr commons images Candle lightAll of these horrors are inevitable because socialism is built on a fatal conceit.
Modern socialists believe that the world has become so complicated, so complex, so globalized, that regular citizens just can’t manage things. We, and only we (say the socialists) are equipped to run things. Hence, for example, it’s imperative to nationalize health care, since “the little people” can’t be trusted to make intelligent, informed decisions about their health care.
Rather than empower the common man, socialists believe in empowering bureaucracy. In their minds, bureaucrats will always make decisions based on science and dispassionate reason – and make sure those decisions are implemented and enforced efficiently.

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