Wednesday, March 13, 2019

They don't teach reading in 4th/5th grade. The kids will NEVER learn to read. Or anything else!-----Whitmer wants to get rid of ‘destructive’ 3rd grade reading law -

Whitmer wants to get rid of ‘destructive’ 3rd grade reading law -
"Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said today she’ll work to overturn a 2016 law that requires students to repeat third grade if their reading performance is too low.
“I think (the law) is destructive,” Whitmer said during an MLive Citizen Roundtable, where three panelists joined the governor at MLive’s Grand Rapids office to discuss the $60.2 billion budget proposal she unveiled this week.
“That doesn’t fix the problem,” she said.
“A child who can’t read isn’t going to get better because you told him he was bad. Parents aren’t going to get more engaged” in that scenario.
The law requires schools to hold back children more than a grade-level behind in reading -- i.e., third-graders scoring below a second-grade reading level. 
The law has a number of caveats and exceptions.
Current second-graders will be the first group subject to the law, which potentially could impact thousands of children.
Only 44 percent of Michigan third-graders passed the M-Step reading test administered in April 2018..."
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