Saturday, March 09, 2019

Vox Exposes Racism in the Knitting Community, Revealing a Caucasian Woman Who Was Too Excited to Visit India-----Ace of Spades HQ

Ace of Spades HQ
"Vox Exposes Racism in the Knitting Community, Revealing a Caucasian Woman Who Was Too Excited to Visit India
The reason why you can't be too excited to visit a country largely populated by people of a slightly different genetic make-up than you is that you might "exoticize" them and you might expect them to deliver you some kind of spiritual uplift, which forces them to do unpaid labor as your Brown Gurus. 
And also appropriates their culture for your personal White Journey.
My culture isn't your Prom Dress, Hater. 
(This a reference to Social Justice Warriors attacking high school girls who like Asian and Indian fabrics. Apparently Round-Eye isn't allowed to wear anything but linen and sheephide.)
This story is from a couple of weeks ago but it's as timeless as suggesting that Jews are motivated by dual loyalty and money and the blood of Christian infants.
In January, Karen Templer, a popular knitting blogger, told her followers about an upcoming trip to India, kicking off the whole debate. The post, which discussed Templer's excitement about her childhood dream finally being fulfilled, praised India's culture and food and also noted Templer's "lifelong obsession with the literature and history of the continent."Her innocuous comments about India were immediately attacked. One commenter, Alex, noted her "words feed into a colonial/imperialist mindset toward India and other non-Western countries." Vox author Jaya Saxena also jumped on board, saying the tone Templer used, as a white person, "felt like they thought India only existed to be all those things for them."

After several days of this and other ridiculous abuse, Templer apologized for the post, writing that her earlier post was "insensitive" and that "words matter."

A Quillette article had previously examined the Social Justice Warrior invasion of another formerly-pleasant hobby enjoyed by Normies (who must be either reeducated or destroyed.)
...Below, a short video about the the new Knitcrime outbreak.
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posted by Ace of Spades at 07:04 PM 

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