Friday, March 22, 2019

WATCH: I Went To San Francisco. What Happened To One Of America’s Most Beautiful Cities? | Daily Wire

WATCH: I Went To San Francisco. What Happened To One Of America’s Most Beautiful Cities? | Daily Wire
DW screenshot from San Francisco video.
The Daily Wire
"A few months ago, Colton Haas and
 I traveled to the once beautiful city of San Francisco, hoping to have a question answered: 
What happened to San Francisco?
Erica Sandberg, a community advocate and journalist, broke it down for us: "Right now the major issue — people always call it homelessness — but the major issue is drugs."
While San Francisco has always battled homelessness and currently has about 7,000 homeless people, the drug issue is exacerbating the problem.
The city currently hands out more than 400,000 syringes each month but only 246,000 are returned, leaving 154,000 syringes left on the streets.
...The most shocking part about our entire time in San Francisco was not the drug problem— we knew that was an issue— it was the open use of drugs. 
...In broad daylight, in a playground, on a street corner, in a tourist district — it doesn’t matter.
Watch Below:

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