Saturday, April 27, 2019

5 Creepy Science Terms That Explain Your Addiction to Junk Food | Intellectual Takeout

See the source image5 Creepy Science Terms That Explain Your Addiction to Junk Food | Intellectual Takeout
"Five years ago, the New York Times published an engaging exposé by Michael Moss titled “The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food.”
...In case you didn’t have a chance to read it, here’s a summary of five industry-standard terms mentioned in the article that food scientists take into account when creating a food designed to be addictive.
1) “Bliss Point”
“Bliss point” is perhaps the most influential concept in junk food science.
It was coined by Dr. Howard Moskowitz (who is also known as “Dr. Bliss”) to refer to the “Goldilocks” amount of an ingredient—not too much, not too little, “just right”—that will optimize a consumer’s enjoyment of a product.
The Times article first introduced the concept of “bliss point” when recounting Moskowitz’s involvement with honing the recipe of Prego spaghetti sauces: ..."
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2 comments: said...

Interestingly how you copped this diagram and data from a liberal poster! So much for what you won't find on liberal media! :-)

Jim Riley said...

Most of my links come from lib media!