Saturday, April 06, 2019

A national tragedy-----Why Millennials Are So Much Lonelier than the Greatest Generation

Why Millennials Are So Much Lonelier than the Greatest Generation:
  • A new study found that young people are far likelier to report being lonely and in poor health than the elderly.
"USA Today recently reported on a study commissioned by the Cigna insurance company which examined the impact of loneliness on health.
See the source imageThe results are striking: young people are much more likely to report being lonely and in bad health than the elderly. 
...The study asserts that loneliness has the same effect on health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. 
...What then is the difference between my parents’ generation and the Baby Boomers and the Millennials?
The Boomers and their children are far less likely to be joiners. 
In his famous study “Bowling Alone,” Robert Putnam shows  that membership in civic organizations like the Kiwanis or Rotary declined by 58 percent between 1975 and 2000.
There are multiple causes.
...Although I am not sure that I can fully explain the causes of Millennial loneliness, I am certain that the rise of divorce plays an important role. 
...Their parents’ divorce probably destroyed whatever social network they had.
My parents provided me with good role models.
I am afraid that many 20 somethings never learned any of this.
Not only are they lonely.
They don’t know what to do about it."

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