Friday, April 12, 2019

Assange explained-----Clarice Feldman - Who better to unravel a mystery than this guy...

Clarice Feldman - Who better to unravel a mystery than this guy...
"Who better to unravel a mystery than this guy who can do Rubics Cube blindfolded?
Jeffrey Varasano
"Who is behind this move on Assange? 
Deep Staters, Trump loyalists or non-partisan law enforcement? 
Seems pretty likely it's Deep Staters. 
Let me divide this into 6 levels that I see:
Level 1: Assange may have committed crimes, but if he only published leaks, he's no different than the MSM. His leaks were more numerous, but appear unfiltered, true and reveal an important picture that the public deserves and needs to know, and that was being deliberately hidden from them by many corrupt institutions. So his crime is that of a whistle blower with no other avenues available to achieve justice.
Level 2: The MSM publishes leaks frequently but these are highly filtered and very often untrue. Assange is not the propagandists that the MSM are.
See the source imageLevel 3: If Assange solicited or participated in the generation of leaks, rather than just publishing leaks made by others, that's a bit more serious. However, can we really say that the MSM is cleared of that? Don't they goad leakers? Protect them? Pay them? Give them other quid pro quos?
Even up thru Level 3, the public interest may lie more in openness than in protecting state secrets. The eternal question of governance, especially self-governance, is "who watches the watchers? Who polices the police?" The constitution provides almost 20 checks and balances of power, most of which have been radically eroded, as the state works 24/7 to bypass any checks, while the people go to their day jobs. We can see how difficult the truth is to disseminate, even after it's exposed, and how difficult it is to even slow, much less reverse, the continuous centralization of power. Therefore, allowing the state to punish a whistleblower is giving the state more power than is prudent. In who's interest was the whistleblower acting? His own? The people? A foreign power? Hard to see how tipping the scale further towards the state is a good thing. Especially when major, major, major crimes from within the state go unpunished and in fact are rewarded. In theory, the state protects us from foreign interests therefore we the people should be on the side of the state. Hard to see how that's true. The deep state seems like a much bigger threat to liberty right now than any particular foreign power. It's not really close, in fact.
Level 4A: Hillary pretty much published her server for the Chinese and Russians to steal for the sole purpose of making sure that you and I didn't see her massive bribery and treason. Deleting 30000 emails under supeona adds obstruction of Justice to the charge.
Level 4B: The deep state obviously obstructed Justice for Hillary in too many ways to list here.
Level 5: Obama and the deep state spied on an opposing campaign and tried to influence the 2016 election.
Level 6: The deep state attempted a coup, harrassed people, threw them into solitary and generally acted like any police state. They highly influenced the midterms. Clearly there were crimes here that rise to the level of treason. Watergate x 100."

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