Saturday, April 20, 2019

Camille Paglia vs the trans-Taliban | Spectator USA

Camille Paglia vs the trans-Taliban | Spectator USA:
"Camille Paglia has joined the ever-growing list of women in the metaphorical stocks being pelted with accusations of transphobia. 
See the source imageA number of blue-fringed students at her university are demanding she be fired for her statements criticizing some women who bring charges of sexual assault, and because of her comments about transgender people. 
‘I am highly skeptical about the current transgender wave, which I think has been produced by far more complicated psychological and sociological factors than current gender discourse allows’, she said in 2017.
Why are they bringing this up now, you may ask? 
Why ever not? 
I am still hounded and bullied by the cabal for a comment piece I wrote in 2004. 
The trans extremists never forget, and, as sporting legend Martina Navratilova recently discovered they certainly do not forgive..."
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