Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Fact-checkers are actually fact-destroyers-----Disgraced New Yorker Fact-Checker: ‘When Did The Memory Of 9/11 Become Sacred?’ | Daily Wire

Disgraced New Yorker Fact-Checker: ‘When Did The Memory Of 9/11 Become Sacred?’ | Daily Wire
"Back in July of last year, Talia Lavin was fired from her job as a fact-checker for the New Yorker after she misidentified a wounded Marine's elbow tattoo as a Nazi "Iron Cross," and convinced much of the left that the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agency had hired an actual white supremacist to work on their abuse task force.
See the source imageSaturday, she was at it again. 
The self-described "expert" on white supremacy, in an effort to defend Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who flippantly referred to the September 11, 2001 terror attacks in a speech as "some people did something," Lavin asked whether we're supposed to believe that 9/11 is "sacred."
Talia Lavin
 when did the memory of 9/11 become “sacred”? in what way? and to whom?
The tweet was a reaction to, of all people, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who referred to September 11 as "sacred ground," taking both Omar and President Donald Trump — who posted video of the attacks as a way of reminding Omar why 9/11 commands so much respect — to task.
Lavin, who now works as a reporter for Media Matters tracking "white nationalism," and will teach a course on journalism this summer at New York University, doubled down.

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