Friday, April 19, 2019

Fans of Best of the Web Today

Fans of Best of the Web Today---Michael Smith 
"I was thinking about the Democrats' romance with every person other than American citizens and this NY Post article linked at Instapundit explains a lot - but this illicit love affair is also the Democrats' tacit admission of just how successful America is.
Progressives literally hate success - at least any success that is not defined as how much taxpayer money they can spend on a particular program or activity regardless of whether the effort is successful or not. 
The fact they prioritize illegal aliens and refugees over citizens, criminals over law-abiding people and deviants over traditional behaviors is just their way of saying you are too successful, too civil and too short, you are successful where others are not. 
Somehow, in their warped, tiny little minds, it makes sense to them to push people who aren't doing it right to the head of the line, no matter what it costs those who are doing it right.
Maybe they feel guilty about America's success - they really shouldn't, because they typically aren't successful and largely depend on the success of others to exist. 
They are not responsible, nor are the part of America's success. 
They are only interested in carving up the success of others to give it to people who will vote for them to continue sharpening the carving knife."

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