"Henry Kissinger, Shouted Down at NYU, Addresses Yale’s WFB Society.
Kissinger’s student critics say he is a war criminal who had a role in “multiple atrocities worldwide,” most especially his “well-known role in prolonging the Vietnam War.” Those are quotations from an article published this February by students at MIT, who were then running their own (unsuccessful) disinvitation campaign. But the students who object so strenuously to Kissinger’s “war crimes” are the same students who wear Che Guevara t-shirts and quote Mao. They do not criticize (or are unaware of) North Vietnam’s mass-murder campaign following the American withdrawal.They’re trash.
So what these students really object to is not anything Kissinger has done or is supposed to have done — they object to him as a representative of Western culture, and of the belief that Western culture and civilization are a positive good to be protected and preserved.
In his remarks at the Disinvitation Dinner, Kissinger pointed out that the First World War destroyed Europe’s confidence and sense of purpose, and that Europe has never recovered. A society needs great objectives to which it can apply itself with conviction, instead of being “obsessed with its own shortcomings.”It’s just a projection of their — generally quite justified — self-loathing.
The students who object to Kissinger’s presence on campus are emblematic of this loss of confidence, and of that obsession. They hate the West (and in particular the United States) for suppressing and oppressing other cultures, ranging from the American Indians to the Communist Chinese.
They deserve neither respect nor deference.
What they need is to face consequences.--Posted by Glenn Reynolds"
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