Saturday, April 20, 2019

Increasing presence of homeless people seeking shelter at SFO airport - Story | KTVU

Increasing presence of homeless people seeking shelter at SFO airport - Story | KTVU
SAN FRANCISCO (KTVU) - San Francisco is struggling with a surge of homeless people seeking shelter inside San Francisco International Airport.
See the source imageSan Francisco International Airport welcomes the world to the City by the Bay, but the airport said homeless people have discovered the airport as a temporary shelter; especially in the early morning hours after the last BART train has pulled into the airport.
An airport official said they're working on a short term and long-term solution
..."Ultimately we want to develop advocacy that finds the proper channels for these individuals," said Yakel.
...A former airport worker told us she walked everywhere with a buddy in the early morning hours because she frequently encountered homeless in the airport, especially in the early morning hours on cold or rainy days.

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