Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Judicial Watch rightly puts the screws to Justice and the FBI

Judicial Watch rightly puts the screws to Justice and the FBI:

Image result for flickr commons images Lindsey GrhamBecause Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., seems loath to do real oversight, the outside organization Judicial Watch is very much on target in filing a lawsuit demanding “records of the planning and preparation of the raid of the home of former Trump campaign aide Roger Stone.”
Former Trump lawyer John Dowd, whose judgment is not always the best but who is a savvy veteran of the Justice Department and of white-collar criminal battles, was right this week to compare the heavily armed commando-like raid of Stone’s home to “an amphibious landing.”
“I used to be in the Marines,” he said. “I've done an amphibious landing. I couldn't believe they were doing one at Stone's house! It's muscular, it's over the top, it's designed to scare.”

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