Saturday, April 20, 2019

Medicare for All Hides Obamacare’s Flaws | National Review

See the source imageMedicare for All Hides Obamacare’s Flaws | National Review
  • And the Democrats are rallying behind it
"In politics, people rarely admit that they were wrong. 
Instead, they try to change the subject.
A decade ago, Democrats insisted that the Affordable Care Act would reduce the health-care costs of Americans and give the nation universal coverage. 
But the legislation has fallen so far short of its objectives that the party’s new generation is eager to sweep it aside in favor of Medicare for All. 
...When campaigning for the White House in 2008, Barack Obama claimed that his health-care-reform proposals would “lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year . . . by the end of [his] first term as president of the United States.” 
Instead, the opposite proved to be true. premiums for individual purchasers more than doubled in the first three years following the legislation’s enactment. 
Premiums for ACA-compliant plans now average $4,700 per year, and deductibles also typically exceed $3,900 — a level far beyond the median health spending of $709 per year..."

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