Saturday, April 13, 2019

Progressivism is a skinwalker---Michael Smith--Fans of Best of the Web Today

Image result for skinwalkerFans of Best of the Web Today-Michael Smith
"One important aspect we should clearly understand is that progressivism is a skinwalker.
Navajo legend tells us that skinwalkers were medicine men who achieved the heights of power such that they could transform into animal forms to do evil.
Progressive skinwalkers are racists, sexists and bigots who transform themselves into innocent, pure doves in order to call others racists, sexists and bigots.
Skinwalkers are vulnerable to one thing - the truth.
Those who do track a skinwalker and learn of their true identity must pronounce the name of the evil one in full. 
Once this happens, the skinwalker will get sick or die for the wrongs they have inflicted against others."

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