Friday, April 12, 2019

Rush Limbaugh: Barr's 'spying' probe 'monumental' - WND

Rush Limbaugh: Barr's 'spying' probe 'monumental' - WND:

Image result for flickr commons images rush limbaugh“Monumental.” That’s how radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh is describing Attorney General William Barr’s statement that he believes the Obama administration was “spying” on the 2016 Trump campaign.
“I honestly don’t think that what has happened today has sunk in yet,” Limbaugh said Wednesday on his national broadcast. “For over two years the entire reason for the existence of CNN and the New York Times and all the rest of these media people was to propel, to amplify, to solidify the idea that Trump colluded with Russia and is therefore an illegitimate president and maybe a traitor, for two years. And they did it with certitude.

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