Monday, April 15, 2019

Student: What White Privilege Lessons Did to My High School | Intellectual Takeout

Student: What White Privilege Lessons Did to My High School | Intellectual Takeout
"During my last year in high school, all seniors were required to write a speech about the topic of their choice and present this speech to the student body and faculty.
My essay, titled “Division”, dealt with how identity politics ruined the last few years at the high school that I attended. 
See the source imageIt was summarized well here.
...During my sophomore year of high school, a mandatory lesson for the entire school was scheduled regarding the concept of being an ally towards those who were labeled as being marginalized.
All homeroom teachers were required to discuss the idea that “privileged” people need to stand up for the minority students and ensure their safety and well-being.
Minority students included anyone that was not white, straight, and Christian.
The absurdity is how, within an instant, we were all separated into groups that we had not recognized prior to this. 
Some were labeled as victims while others had a superior position just by being born.
From then on, relationships changed. 
It was so insulting to suggest that one group of people should feel guilty for their “privilege” and the other group forced to have the mindset that they need help from the privileged..."
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