Thursday, April 04, 2019

U.S. Was Closer To Coup D'Etat Than Ever Before

U.S. Was Closer To Coup D'Etat Than Ever Before
"...The Russian-collusion argument was always an absurd, a practically insane proposition.
See the source image...The entire collusion claim was a political smear funded by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign, and all of those just mentioned as well as Mrs. Clinton, former attorney general Loretta Lynch, her deputy Sally Yates, others who made false FISA-warrant applications, and a large group of smaller fry, are up to their eyeballs in criminal abuse of high offices and betrayal of the nation’s trust.
...The president and his family have endured merciless torment by the intellectually corrupt national press and the lawless opposition.
...And the ringleaders in confecting this monstrous aggregation of defamatory lies should be legally punished, with the due process they tried to deny the nation’s leader.
Attempts to drive a president from office on the basis of allegations of betrayal of the country that they knew to be false is as close as the United States has ever been to an attempted coup d’état. 
It is time for the legal system, which has ground slowly to a just verdict, to do the same to those responsible for this disgraceful episode.
This must never happen again; not in America."
Read all.

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