Friday, April 05, 2019

Where were the protests during Obama's years?

Where were the protests during Obama's years?:

Image result for flickr commons images obamaSomehow, Democrats support states’ rights when sanctuary cities and states willingly ignore laws Congress passed, but do not believe in states’ rights when a state like North Carolina passes a law to go against a dictatorial edict.
President Obama and other Democrats talked tough on illegal immigration, called the situation at the border a crisis, passed laws funding border barriers, separated children from parents at the border -- and journalists and immigration groups rarely protested. Obama and other Democrats were not repeatedly called racists and xenophobes.
Illegal aliens in custody also died at the same rate during Obama’s eight years as during Trump’s first two years -- and there was no outcry or protests. The media did not blame Obama for the deaths.
Therefore, it is obvious that the attacks on Trump are purely political.

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