Thursday, April 18, 2019

Woman who assaulted Kellyanne Conway skates | Power Line

Woman who assaulted Kellyanne Conway skates | Power Line
"Prosecutors in Montgomery County, Maryland — the bastion of leftism and Trump hatred I call home — have dismissed charges against the woman who assaulted Kellyanne Conway in a restaurant where Conway was celebrating her birthday. 
The woman, Mary Elizabeth Inabinett, age 63, grabbed Conway from behind and shook her.
That’s clearly a misdemeanor assault. 
So why have charges against the assailant been
Prosecutors say that even if they could prove their case, Inabinett would not deserve the type of punishment that might flow from a conviction. 
There’s no legitimate question that prosecutors could prove their case. 
Inabinett certainly committed an assault when she grabbed Conway and shook her. 
Indeed, she has apologized for doing so.
...The penalty for Inabinett’s crime is “imprisonment not exceeding 10 years or a fine not exceeding $2,500 or both.” 
At a minimum Inabinett should be fined for assaulting Conway.
In short, Montgomery County prosecutors have usurped the role of lawmakers who criminalized assault and determined the range of penalties for it, and of judges who evaluate mitigating factors. 
Consider the statement of Montgomery State’s Attorney John McCormick:
Was this woman rude? Yes. Did she violate Ms. Conway’s space and try to embarrass her? Yes and yes. Is this a case where criminal sanctions would have been appropriate? No.
But wait! 
“This woman” did more than violate Conway’s space and try to embarrass her. She physically assaulted Conway. 
That’s a crime and should be treated as such..."
Read all.

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