Saturday, April 13, 2019

World Faces "Uphill Battle" With Average IQ Of Just 82! | Zero Hedge

World Faces "Uphill Battle" With Average IQ Of Just 82! | Zero Hedge
"David Becker has released a new version of the World’s IQ. 
Each country has a score showing the cognitive abilities of their citizens, this being a blend of genetics and the environment of each country, particularly as regards education and health. 
The world’s global score is 82. 
This is 12th percentile rank on the Greenwich Mean Intelligence benchmark of IQ 100. 
As school teachers used to say in end of year reports: “Could do better”.
What does IQ 82 mean in practical terms?..."
A country's aggregate IQ matters!
Read all!
"The results for individual countries vary somewhat according to the method used, but these are probably the very best estimates..."

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