Monday, April 15, 2019

Worse than Watergate

Worse than Watergate
"For most of my lifetime, “Watergate” has been used as the measuring stick for political corruption. What exactly was the Watergate scandal?
On June 17, 1972, five men were arrested for burglarizing the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D. C. 
It was never alleged that President Richard M. Nixon knew about the burglary prior to the attempt, but that he tried to use the power of the presidency to obstruct justice in order to protect members of his administration and his reelection committee from facing criminal charges. 
The great irony is that Nixon was going to crush McGovern in the general election without any illegal help. 
See the source imageNothing that could have been stolen from the Democrats could have helped the Republican Party win any bigger in 1972 -- Nixon claimed 520 electoral votes and carried 49 states. 
The break-in was stupid and unnecessary.
And most importantly, it was illegal. 
...In a delicious irony, this week Attorney General William Barr implied that a new bar might have been set (pun intended) during the 2016 election cycle when he announced that he believes President Trump’s political campaign was spied upon by the federal government.
Just let that sink in for a moment and noodle around in your brain.

  • In 1972, Republicans were caught using former CIA operatives to spy on their political rivals. 
  • In 2016, Democrats have now been caught using active FBI and senior Department of Justice employees to spy on President Trump. 

It is no longer debatable whether or not it happened, because A. G. Barr just told us it happened. 
The only question that remains is whether or not they had any sort of justifiable reason for doing so..."
Read all!!

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