Saturday, April 06, 2019

Worthy read. Hateful bitch, and she's not alone!-----Everything wrong with academia in two pictures

Everything wrong with academia in two pictures
"Dr. Catlyn Collins is an assistant professor of sociology and of women, gender, and sexuality studies​ at Washington University in St. Louis.  
She is also a published author of a book titled  Making Motherhood Work: How Women Manage Careers and Caregiving.
Her areas of research are gender inequality, work, families, and social policy. 
According to Glassdoor, the average salary of an assistant professor at Washington University is $105,700. 
Add in speaking fees and book sales and it’s clear that she is in at least the top 5% of American incomes. 
On Wednesday, she wanted to show the world how virtuous of a person she is, so she Tweeted this:
So here is this professor, with a Ph.D. in Sociology, shaming a road crew worker who she probably makes four times the salary of and most likely only has a high school diploma and on the job training, about a sign that he did not create and is required by law to put up.I have a couple of thoughts on the matter..."
Read it all!!

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