I’m no political expert but, to me as an Average Joe, the continued focus on supposed obstruction of a crime that wasn’t committed simply smacks of desperation.
Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Friday, May 31, 2019
Why obstruction and cover-up charges smack of desperation | TheHill
Why obstruction and cover-up charges smack of desperation | TheHill:
In the end, Trump wasn’t the liar on this major point; instead, his critics were the ones who were sorely mistaken. They accused the president of the worst sort of treachery but, according to Mueller, Trump was telling the truth all along when he said there was no collusion with Russia.
I’m no political expert but, to me as an Average Joe, the continued focus on supposed obstruction of a crime that wasn’t committed simply smacks of desperation.
I’m no political expert but, to me as an Average Joe, the continued focus on supposed obstruction of a crime that wasn’t committed simply smacks of desperation.
Planned Parenthood’s false stat: ‘Thousands’ of women died every year before Roe
“We face a real situation where Roe could be overturned. And we know what will happen, which is that women will die.
Thousands of women died every year pre-Roe.”
— Leana Wen, president of Planned Parenthood, in an interview with WFAA of Dallas, March 6, 2019.
,,,A reader asked us to investigate this repeated claim by the president of Planned Parenthood — that “thousands of women” died every year from botched abortions before the Supreme Court in 1973 nullified antiabortion laws across the United States in Roe v. Wade.This turned out to be an interesting inquiry...
By 1959, a leading researcher wrote: “Abortion is no longer a dangerous procedure. This applies not just to therapeutic abortions as performed in hospitals but also to so-called illegal abortions as done by physicians. In 1957, there were only 260 deaths in the whole country attributed to abortions of any kind. In New York City in 1921, there were 144 abortion deaths, in 1951 there were only 15.”
...“In the 1960s, the officially recorded number of deaths from illegal induced abortion was under 300 per year.
While there were undoubtedly other unreported abortion deaths, it is unlikely that the actual number was over 1,000..."
Read all.
Oregon, awash in marijuana, takes steps to curb production | News | kptv.com
"SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Oregon is awash in pot, glutted with so much legal weed that if growing were to stop today, it could take more than six years by one estimate to smoke or eat it all.
Now, the state is looking to curb production.
Five years after voters legalized recreational marijuana, lawmakers are moving to give the Oregon Liquor Control Commission more leeway to deny new pot-growing licenses based on supply and demand.
The bill, which passed the Senate and is now before the House, is aimed not just at reducing the huge surplus but at preventing diversion of unsold legal marijuana into the black market and forestalling a crackdown by federal prosecutors..."
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Scientists Alter Reality By Repeating Absurd Statements Five Times In All Caps [Satire] | Daily Wire
Scientists Alter Reality By Repeating Absurd Statements Five Times In All Caps [Satire] | Daily Wire:

“The key to changing reality through Repetitive Twitter Capitalization, or RTC, is to insure that no one damages the results by demanding proof or using such words as ‘nonsense,’ or ‘applesauce,’ or ‘utter and complete horse manure of the purest ray serene.’ If people using such words can be banned from Twitter or silenced through intimidation, then the proper reality change can take place undisturbed or, if not, who is there to say?”
“The key to changing reality through Repetitive Twitter Capitalization, or RTC, is to insure that no one damages the results by demanding proof or using such words as ‘nonsense,’ or ‘applesauce,’ or ‘utter and complete horse manure of the purest ray serene.’ If people using such words can be banned from Twitter or silenced through intimidation, then the proper reality change can take place undisturbed or, if not, who is there to say?”
Coffee cup ban: Boston Tea Party's sales fall by 250k - BBC News

"An independent coffee chain said it has seen sales fall by £250,000 since it banned single use cups last summer.
...Owner Sam Roberts said it had factored the loss in takings into its plans and that too many operators were "putting their profits before the planet".
...The chain, which has 22 branches around England and is based in Bristol, started the ban in June 2018.
Customers must bring a reusable cup, drink in or pay a deposit on a cup they can return to any branch.
- How has it affected the business?
Boston Tea Party usually sells £1m in takeaway coffees per year but it is down 25%..."
Read on.
Performance of students who use Twitter to study is 25 to 40% lower | Daily Mail Online
Is Twitter making you less well informed? Italian scientists find the performance of students who use the site to study drops by 25 to 40%
- Researchers studied the performance of around 1,500 high school students
- Students who used Twitter to analyse a text fared worse than their peers
- Experts say the findings suggest we should all be more wary about using Twitter to debate the issues of the day
Scientists Alter Reality By Repeating Absurd Statements Five Times In All Caps [Satire] | Daily Wire
Scientists Alter Reality By Repeating Absurd Statements Five Times In All Caps [Satire] | Daily Wire:
“The key to changing reality through Repetitive Twitter Capitalization, or RTC, is to insure that no one damages the results by demanding proof or using such words as ‘nonsense,’ or ‘applesauce,’ or ‘utter and complete horse manure of the purest ray serene.’ If people using such words can be banned from Twitter or silenced through intimidation, then the proper reality change can take place undisturbed or, if not, who is there to say?”
Important read-How it all began!---Dr. Tim Ball On Climate: Lies Wrapped In Deception Smothered With Delusion
Dr. Tim Ball On Climate: Lies Wrapped In Deception Smothered With Delusion
“Scientists are skeptics. It’s unfortunate that the word ‘skeptic’ has taken on other connotations in the culture involving nihilism and cynicism. Really, in its pure and original meaning, it’s just thoughtful inquiry.”
"...The Washington swamp displayed all its corruption skills with lies, deceptions, misrepresentations, and deliberate creation of deceit, during the Kavanaugh hearings.
The willingness of politicians on the left to destroy everything America stands for was frightening.
We watched Senator Blumenthal, who lied about serving in Vietnam when he never left the United States, remind Judge Kavanaugh of a legal maxim “Falsus in Uno, Falsus in Omnibus,” false in one thing, false in everything.
The only difference between these and previous similar tactics was boldness..
One sliver of silver lining is in the level of corruption exposed to achieve a political agenda.
Now it is easier for people to grasp the extent of corruption on the greatest deception in history, human-caused global warming (AGW).
It is easier now to get them to understand that the left will do anything to achieve their goal.
The significant differences between AGW and the Kavanaugh debacle were time and extent.
The AGW deception has evolved slowly and insidiously since the late 1960s.
It began as the objective of David Rockefeller’s Club of Rome’s (COR) to control energy and thereby political power.
It is just as corrupting and devastating an attack on American exceptionalism but worse because it is global. The COR say they are
The willingness of politicians on the left to destroy everything America stands for was frightening.
We watched Senator Blumenthal, who lied about serving in Vietnam when he never left the United States, remind Judge Kavanaugh of a legal maxim “Falsus in Uno, Falsus in Omnibus,” false in one thing, false in everything.

One sliver of silver lining is in the level of corruption exposed to achieve a political agenda.
Now it is easier for people to grasp the extent of corruption on the greatest deception in history, human-caused global warming (AGW).
It is easier now to get them to understand that the left will do anything to achieve their goal.
The significant differences between AGW and the Kavanaugh debacle were time and extent.
The AGW deception has evolved slowly and insidiously since the late 1960s.
It began as the objective of David Rockefeller’s Club of Rome’s (COR) to control energy and thereby political power.
It is just as corrupting and devastating an attack on American exceptionalism but worse because it is global. The COR say they are
“a group of world citizens, sharing a common concern for the future of humanity.“
Compare this claim with H. L. Mencken’s observation that,
“The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.”
America was seen as the greatest threat to their objective, so it became a major target, but it was still only a part of the global control.
COR member Maurice Strong took the urge to rule to the UN where he put it into action.
After spending five days with Strong at the UN, Elaine Dewar summarized his goal in her book Cloak of Green.
COR member Maurice Strong took the urge to rule to the UN where he put it into action.
After spending five days with Strong at the UN, Elaine Dewar summarized his goal in her book Cloak of Green.
Strong was using the U.N. as a platform to sell a global environment crisis and the Global Governance Agenda.
He did this by creating the political monster known as Agenda 21 and creating the science to support the politics through the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Like all deceptions, there are lies within lies and deceptions within deceptions.
Even the selection of terminology and words was deliberately planned to deceive.
For example, the Earth’s atmosphere does not work like a greenhouse.
The analogy was only valuable because it automatically triggers the concept of heat for the public.
The deceivers knew this type of misrepresentation worked because the same people created the term “holes-in-the-ozone.”
They knew there were no holes, but the term implied a leak, a break in the atmosphere, with all the “Chicken Little” the sky is falling fears that engenders.
Like all deceptions, there are lies within lies and deceptions within deceptions.
Even the selection of terminology and words was deliberately planned to deceive.
For example, the Earth’s atmosphere does not work like a greenhouse.
The analogy was only valuable because it automatically triggers the concept of heat for the public.
The deceivers knew this type of misrepresentation worked because the same people created the term “holes-in-the-ozone.”
They knew there were no holes, but the term implied a leak, a break in the atmosphere, with all the “Chicken Little” the sky is falling fears that engenders.
The next example was the word skeptic, which as Michael Shermer explained.

After 1998 the evidence did not fit the AGW theory anymore so by 2004 they changed it from the global warming theory to the climate change theory.
...The most effective deception was the claim that 97% of scientists agree.
It is as false as the whole claim and was also deliberately created..."
Read it all!
...The most effective deception was the claim that 97% of scientists agree.
It is as false as the whole claim and was also deliberately created..."
Read it all!
Supreme Court Strikes Compromise To Dodge Abortion Dispute | The Daily Caller
Supreme Court Strikes Compromise To Dodge Abortion Dispute | The Daily Caller
"The Supreme Court reached an apparent compromise in an abortion dispute from Indiana Monday, keeping the issue off its docket as abortion roils the 2020 presidential race.
...In a separate opinion, Justice Clarence Thomas said the states have a compelling interest in ensuring abortion does not become a tool of eugenics.
The Supreme Court reinstated an Indiana law Monday requiring abortion clinics to cremate or bury fetal remains.
In an apparent compromise, however, the justices declined to review a second provision of the Indiana law that banned abortions on the basis of sex, race, or disability.
The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said both provisions — which Vice President Mike Pence signed into law during his tenure as governor — were unlawful..."
Read all.
...In a separate opinion, Justice Clarence Thomas said the states have a compelling interest in ensuring abortion does not become a tool of eugenics.
The Supreme Court reinstated an Indiana law Monday requiring abortion clinics to cremate or bury fetal remains.
In an apparent compromise, however, the justices declined to review a second provision of the Indiana law that banned abortions on the basis of sex, race, or disability.
The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said both provisions — which Vice President Mike Pence signed into law during his tenure as governor — were unlawful..."
Read all.
Fear Your Toaster | The Russell Kirk Center
Fear Your Toaster | The Russell Kirk Center
Click Here to Kill Everybody: Security and Survival in a Hyper-Connected World
Click Here to Kill Everybody: Security and Survival in a Hyper-Connected World
by Bruce Schneier--Reviewed by Michael J. Ard
What happens when everything is a computer, connected to everything else?
How then can we keep the internet, the greatest benefit of the global communications revolution, from spying on us, or even from harming us?
...In his brisk and urgent book, Schneier points out that in the “Internet of Things” (IoT)—the growing trend to connect everything to a computer network—vulnerabilities are increasing and becoming more serious.
IoT now approaches 20 billion devices.
Everything is a computer, including our cars, our dishwashers, our toasters.
...As Schneier memorably puts it, a technology that can give you anything you want, can take away everything you have.
Schneier sees two aspects to the problem.
Read all.

...In his brisk and urgent book, Schneier points out that in the “Internet of Things” (IoT)—the growing trend to connect everything to a computer network—vulnerabilities are increasing and becoming more serious.
IoT now approaches 20 billion devices.
Everything is a computer, including our cars, our dishwashers, our toasters.
...As Schneier memorably puts it, a technology that can give you anything you want, can take away everything you have.
Schneier sees two aspects to the problem.
- The first is that our personal data is out our control and subject to surveillance or misuse by corporations, the government, or criminals.
- The second problem is perhaps more worrisome: all our devices are too easy to compromise. For example, if everything is a computer or connected to one, then everything can be hacked. And if everything can be hacked, then everything can, in theory, be turned into a weapon against us. Each computer can be repurposed into something potentially harmful, which we now see with “botnets”—computers taken over by hackers to penetrate or crash networks..."
Read all.
Kamala Harris Accuses Barr Of Misleading The Public Minutes After Mueller Says He Didn’t | The Daily Caller
Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris accused Attorney General William Barr of “misleading” the public minutes after Robert Mueller said he didn’t.
Can They Get Anything Right? Looks Like That ‘Trump Wanted The USS McCain Obscured’ Story Is Fake News
"...The list of liberal media screw-ups when covering this White House is endless.
Do we even need to go down the numerous foul-ups over the Russian collusion myth?
'The White House asked Navy officials to obscure the USS John S. McCain while President Trump was visiting Japan, Pentagon and White House officials said Wednesday night...'
I was not informed about anything having to do with the Navy Ship USS John S. McCain during my recent visit to Japan. Nevertheless, @FLOTUS and I loved being with our great Military Men and Women - what a spectacular job they do!
History for May 31
History for May 31 - On-This-Day.com
Walt Whitman 1819 - Poet, essayist, journalist, humanist, Norman Vincent Peale 1898, Edward Bennett Williams 1920
Clint Eastwood 1930 - Actor ("Pale Rider"), Joe Namath 1943 - Football player, Tom Berenger 1950 - Actor ("The Big Chill," "Platoon")
1870 - E.J. DeSemdt patented asphalt.
1977 - The trans-Alaska oil pipeline was finished after 3 years of construction.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Hans von Spakovsky: Dems support cover-up by opposing Trump disclosure order on campaign surveillance | Fox News
Hans von Spakovsky: Dems support cover-up by opposing Trump disclosure order on campaign surveillance | Fox News:
Cover-up? Does Schiff understand the meaning of the term?
Schiff’s cover-up charge makes no sense. The Trump memo calls for uncovering more information – not covering anything up. A presidential order to declassify and make public all information connected to a particular investigation is the exact opposite of a cover-up.
And it’s ironic that some of the same Democrats demanding the release of the full unredacted Mueller report – including legally protected information presented to grand juries and classified national security information – are now attacking the president for wanting to release more information about the origins of the Mueller problem.
If anyone can be accused of a cover-up it is Schiff and other critics of the president’s memo that calls for more public disclosure. Opposing the president’s call to uncover more information is by definition a cover-up.
Cover-up? Does Schiff understand the meaning of the term?
And it’s ironic that some of the same Democrats demanding the release of the full unredacted Mueller report – including legally protected information presented to grand juries and classified national security information – are now attacking the president for wanting to release more information about the origins of the Mueller problem.
If anyone can be accused of a cover-up it is Schiff and other critics of the president’s memo that calls for more public disclosure. Opposing the president’s call to uncover more information is by definition a cover-up.
Janet Shagam - Do other countries have pretty much ALL their major...
Janet Shagam - Do other countries have pretty much ALL their major."news" businesses sit there 24-7-365 & just constantly tear apart the elected President & the citizens that voted for him?

"Do other countries have pretty much ALL their major "news" businesses sit there 24-7-365 & just constantly tear apart the elected President & the citizens that voted for him?
Is it like this in other countries?
The rotten, old MSM is a poison in our nation.
Some stories:
Is it like this in other countries?
The rotten, old MSM is a poison in our nation.
Some stories:
- MSNBC Scarborough: Pelosi Impeaching Trump Is Like Lincoln Freeing Slaves
- ABC Post-Mueller, Networks Demand Democrats Start Impeachment Proceedings
- CNN: 'Unpatriotic' Trump Could Have Been 'Fast Friends' With Pol Pot
- CNN Lemon Shames Voters Thinking of Voting for Trump Due to Good Economy
- MSNBC Scarborough Dismisses Trump Voters as 'Shrinking Electorate’ of White People
- CNN Jim Acosta's Book Is Blunt: 'The President's Insane'
- CNN Cuomo Campaigns to Oust 'Fever Rash' McConnell and 'Virus' Trump
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