Thursday, May 23, 2019

A Typical High School Tells a Larger Story: Schools Are Now Dominated by the Feminist Agenda | News and Politics

A Typical High School Tells a Larger Story: Schools Are Now Dominated by the Feminist Agenda | News and Politics
"Recently, my wife Janice posted a video in her Fiamengo File series about an Ottawa school, Brookfield High, that had launched a ManUp campaign, complete with posters targeting males as prone to evil and females as innocent victims. 
“Judging from the displays,” she states, “Brookfield High goes out of its way to make girls feel welcome through positive messaging; boys, in contrast, are set apart to be lectured and shamed about male evil.”
The poster, which reads When you stand back and watch evil, you’re standing by it, “strongly reinforces the grim mood…
The clear implication is that this boy…WILL encounter ‘evil’ at his school—not amidst the slutty girls who tempt him…but amidst the other boys who will supposedly do bad things to girls and condone violence.”...
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