Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Analysis: The Steele Dossier And The ‘Raw Intelligence’ Canard | The Daily Caller

Analysis: The Steele Dossier And The ‘Raw Intelligence’ Canard | The Daily Caller:

Image result for flickr commons images robert muellerBut the charitable defense faces new challenges, especially in the wake of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia report.
The problem with the “raw intelligence” canard is that it ignores questions about how Steele obtained his information and what the former spy did with it once he received it. The FBI also treated Steele’s allegations as more than mere raw intelligence. The bureau relied heavily on Steele’s work, even though it was unverified, to obtain spy warrants against Carter Page.
Steele and his client, Fusion GPS, processed, packaged and disseminated information from the dossier to the FBI, Justice Department, State Department, Capitol Hill, the Clinton campaign and the media.

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