Thursday, May 09, 2019

'Deep fake' videos that can make anyone say anything worry U.S. intelligence agencies - Story | WNYW

'Deep fake' videos that can make anyone say anything worry U.S. intelligence agencies - Story | WNYW
"NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A video of a seemingly real news anchor, reading a patently false script saying things like the "subways always run on time" and "New York City pizza is definitely not as good as Chicago" giving es a whole new meaning to the term fake news.
But that fake news anchor is a real example of a fascinating new technology with frightening potential uses.
I was stunned watching the Frankenstein mix of Steve Lacy's voice coming out of what looks like my mouth.
"That's how well the algorithm knows your face," Professor Siwei Lyu told me.
The video is what is known as a deep fake: a computer-generated clip using an algorithm that learned my face so well that is can recreate it with remarkable accuracy..."

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