Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Former Boeing Engineers Say Relentless Cost-Cutting Sacrificed Safety - Bloomberg

Former Boeing Engineers Say Relentless Cost-Cutting Sacrificed Safety - Bloomberg:

  • The failures of the 737 Max appear to be the result of an emphasis on speed, cost, and above all shareholder value.

"...Boeing got what it wanted: Pilots moving from a 737-800 to the 737 Max would need at most Level B training, which they could complete in an hour or two on an iPad. 
That let airlines deploy the $120 million plane more quickly.
For Boeing, it was an important selling point that gave customers one less reason to defect to its European rival Airbus SE.
...—the pressure and maneuvering around simulator training has struck Ludtke as essential to understanding how an emphasis on costs twisted a process that’s supposed to produce the best, safest planes.
“They could have done better and should have done better, but better wasn’t an option,” says Ludtke..."
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