Saturday, May 11, 2019

High School in Ohio Invites Radicals to Present | Clarion Project

High School in Ohio Invites Radicals to Present | Clarion Project
"There is a high school in Columbus, Ohio that offers a political radicalism class where actual radicals present to the students. 
They have been providing this class to the students since 1975.
“Poli-rad students study each speaker ahead of time, gathering background and preparing questions,” AP reported about the class. “Afterward, teachers help them think critically about how factors such as deceptive language or personal charisma were used.
See the source image“The teachers attribute the course’s success to a few key ground rules: Presenters must come from across the political spectrum, they can’t be censored, students must remain respectful and instructors can’t share their personal political beliefs.”
The idea is that by exposing students to political landmines they will most likely encounter in their lives, they will be equipped to react rationally to them.
If this class were to be proposed today — with the media exposure that we have had in regards to extremism and terrorism — it would be extremely difficult to develop it without pushback from parents and activist organizations.
...In actuality, it is more logical that exposure to different types of radical thoughts and ideologies in a safe and controlled environment can prove to be a strong preventative measure. 
By allowing students and young people to hear opinions and belief systems from all points of view, including radical ones that can clearly involve extremely skewed idea, it can help open their minds and develop cognitive thinking..."
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