Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Left-Wing Ideology: A Cult, a Religion, or Science?

Left-Wing Ideology: A Cult, a Religion, or Science?
"More than a hundred years ago, prominent Marxist Antonio Gramsci wrote: "Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity.  
...In his point of view, socialism was godless religion, the cult of the messianic Marx.
...(By the way, this is something leftists have in common with Muslims.
See the source imageThey are mostly true believers; they aggressively reject any attempts to test the foundations of their dogmatic beliefs.
Leftists' behavior is utterly illogical to a degree one might call unscientific. 
Their irrationality is based on illusory knowledge — i.e., knowledge acquired through a system of beliefs, expressed by well known authorities (Marx, Engels, Lenin, Bernstein, Stalin, Hitler, Trotsky, Mao, and many others). 
Left-wingers acquired their false, Utopian beliefs throughout the entire history of human civilization.  Their undisputed belief of multiplying wealth by dividing it (i.e., by redistributing it by force) was the basis of numerous failed social experiments.
To avoid any confusion, let us provide adequate definitions of socialism (promoted by left-wing ideology) and its antithesis, capitalism (promoted by the free-market, or conservative, ideology)..."
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