Monday, May 13, 2019

The Government Spied on Me. You Could Be Next. | RealClearPolitics

The Government Spied on Me. You Could Be Next. | RealClearPolitics:

Image result for free clip art SpyingIt was bad enough when the Department of Justice under Attorney General Eric Holder engaged in spying on journalist James Rosen (and even spied on his parents' phone records). And the same cast of characters secretly spied on Associated Press reporters -- also in the name of tracking down government leakers.
Amid those discoveries were NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden's revelations about massive government spying on the citizenry, which Director of National Intelligence James Clapper had denied under oath. As the dominos began to fall, Holder expressed some regret, particularly as it applied to the intrusion upon journalists, who until the Obama administration had been considered largely off limits for the government's intel dragnet.
Then there's my case.

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