Monday, May 06, 2019

Union thieves!!-----States could help protect their most vulnerable by stopping unions from skimming money | TheHill

Image result for dues skimmingStates could help protect their most vulnerable by stopping unions from skimming money | TheHill
"...In those states, home caregivers — many of whom are looking after loved ones in their own homes —  may be trapped into paying unions dues thanks to union-backed laws classifying them as government workers.
...These home caregivers are considered public employees simply because they receive support through the taxpayer-funded Medicaid program, and unions have organized them through dubious elections.
Image result for dues skimming...Where this practice — known as dues skimming — occurs, unions siphon off dues directly from caregivers’ Medicaid payments before those funds even reach the patient they are intended to help.
This means that patients in need have fewer resources available to make their lives better and pay for much-needed care.
It’s especially concerning considering the fact that some caregivers are unaware they even belong to a union and are unlikely to see many, if any, benefits in return for the money deducted from their checks..."
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