Monday, May 13, 2019

Washington, D.C.'s Secret: No One Is Running the Show | National Review

Washington, D.C.'s Secret: No One Is Running the Show | National Review

  • Those conspiracy theories generally are preposterous.

"One of the hardest lessons for young, idealistic, and educated people to learn when they come to Washington — and some never learn it — is that nobody is running things.
...But no person or group of people has the power to impose their will on society. 
Image result for who's in charge hereThere are just too many chefs making the soup.
...After Barack Obama got his stimulus passed on the promise that there were millions of “shovel-ready jobs,” the stimulation never quite materialized as planned...
This is a hard lesson for people who put immense faith in government to do big, important things...
“Only the merest quarter-turn of the heart separates us from a material abundance beyond the fondest dream of anyone present,” he told a crowd in Des Moines, Iowa.
All we had to do was resist the urge to act like dogs returning “to the vomit of capitalism.”
Capitalism nauseates because we come into this world with programming for a “Stone Age conception of clan life,” as economist Michael Munger puts it.
Our brains are wired to expect someone to be in charge. 
When bad things happen, it must be because someone intended it.
We get angry at perceived slights, inconveniences, and tragedies, and our anger needs a target..."
Read on.

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