"Happy Father's Day.
If you are not a father, take comfort in not being Alyssa Milano.
If you are Alyssa Milano, take comfort in the fact that Donald John Trump is still your president.
- ITEM 1: Ivan Pentchoukov reported, "The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service has begun to remind immigrants that if they receive any welfare benefits prior to becoming a citizen, their sponsors will be responsible for paying back the government...We pass laws but the government never enforces them. Instead the government demands that a baker make a cake for a gay "wedding," even though the Constitution and the courts say he does not have to do that. President Donald John Trump then enforces the real law, and we hear how he is a threat to democratic institutions. I think they mean Democrat institutions.
- ITEM 2: President Trump tweeted, "All in for Senator Steve Daines as he proposes an Amendment for a strong BAN on burning our American Flag. A no brainer!"..."
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