MUSKEGON, MI – World War II bomber “Yankee Lady” is visiting Muskegon Saturday
and the public is welcome to step aboard for a history lesson.
...For $450, one can fly on the Yankee Lady during three Flight Experience Saturday.
The B-17 “Flying Fortress” is a four-engine heavy bomber that flew deep into enemy territory, striking such important targets as munitions factories, oil refineries and military installations.
The bombers carried crews of 10 and up to 13 50-caliber machine guns.
It’s estimated there are about 10 airworthy Boeing B-17s still in existence.
More than 12,700 of the bombers were built between 1936 and 1945 and an estimated 5,000 were shot down over Europe during WWII.
(Inside of the plane) Tours will cost $5, $2 for children ages 6-15 and free for those under 6.
The Muskegon County Airport is located at 99 Sinclair Drive in Norton Shores.
Tours will be available...from 9-9:30 a.m. and noon to 2 p.m. Saturday.

A portion of the Flight Experience proceeds will be donated to the USS LST 393 Veterans Museum.
The WWII landing ship is docked near downtown Muskegon and houses a museum open to the public.
The Yankee Lady hails from the Yankee Air Museum on the grounds of Willow Run Airport. For more information, visit www.yankeeairmuseum.org or call (734) 483-4030.
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