Wednesday, June 05, 2019

History for June 5

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History for June 5 -
Adam Smith 1723 - Author, "Pancho" Villa (Francisco Villa, JosΓ© Doroteo Arango ArΓ‘mbula) - Mexican Revolutionary general, John Maynard Keynes 1883 - Economist
Image result for Adam Smith EconomistImage result for "Pancho" VillaImage result for John Maynard Keynes Quotes

Dennis Gabor 1900 - Electrical engineer, inventor of holography, Ken Follet 1949 - Author, Mark Wahlberg 1971 - Actor, singer (Marky Mark)
Image result for dennis gabor quotesImage result for Ken Follett BooksImage result for Marky Mark

1752 - Benjamin Franklin flew a kite for the first time to demonstrate that lightning was a form of electricity.
Image result for Benjamin Franklin flew a kite

1851 - Harriet Beecher Stow published the first installment of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in "The National Era."
Image result for Uncle Tom's Cabin"

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