Thursday, July 04, 2019

America has established itself as a force for good and a beacon of freedom - Washington Times

See the source imageAmerica has established itself as a force for good and a beacon of freedom - Washington Times- Kay Coles James
"This week, as Americans commemorate Independence Day and the creation of the most free, most prosperous nation on earth, we will inevitably hear from those who say there’s no reason to celebrate a country where not everyone gained their freedom or their equality in 1776.
They will say that a nation stained with the evil of slavery, a nation that once refused women and blacks the right to vote or hold property, isn’t a nation worth lauding.
As a woman and as a black person who lived through segregation, I have experienced both the inequality and the opportunity of this nation.
As a student of history and as someone who works with governments around the world, I know how women and minorities are treated in other societies compared to the United States.
Because of these experiences, I want to tell you exactly why America is worth celebrating..."
Read it all!

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